Congratulations to Dr. Eduardo Pérez del Río!
Eduardo Pérez del Río successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "3D Systems for immune cells culture and their applications in Immunotherapy " on Thursday, 2 April 2020. Congratulations!
Eduardo Pérez del Río successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "3D Systems for immune cells culture and their applications in Immunotherapy " on Thursday, 2 April 2020. Congratulations!
Marc Martínez-Miguel successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Nanoparticles to modulate topography and ligand distribution at the nanoscale: impact on cell behavior" on Thursday, 9 March 2023. Congratulations!
Roberto Fabião Santos Abreu successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Natural and Synthetic Hydrogels as Biomimetic Materials for Cancer Immunotherapies" on Thursday, 21 April 2022. Congratulations!
Xavier R. Rodríguez successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Functional nanostructured molecular materials for antimicrobial and biosensing applications" on Friday, 28 June 2024. Congratulations!
Eduardo Pérez presents our biohybrid hydrogels at “Transfiere 2023” and explains their potential use as artificial extracellular matrices for applications related to cancer.
On 3-4 December 2020, the ICMAB Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) meeting will take place to evaluate the research lines and the overall performance of the Institute. The SAB is composed of 12 worldwide scientific experts in the areas of the targeted research of our Severo Ochoa project: Smart Functional Materials for a Better Future (FUNFUTURE) in the areas of Clean Energy, Sustainable Electronics and Smart Nanomedicine.
Miquel Castellote-Borrell awarded with a poster price offered by Biomaterials Science of the Royal Society of Chemistry at the 2023 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) in Warsaw (Poland).