39. 3D cell culture of CAR T cells originated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells towards cellular therapies
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38. Biohybrid synthetic hydrogels for tumoroid culture
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37. 2250P Exploring tumor microenvironment in lung cancer through patient-derived 3D models
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36. Ratiometric Nanothermometer Based on a Radical Excimer for In Vivo Sensing
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35. Antibiofilm surfaces based on the immobilization of a novel recombinant antimicrobial multidomain protein using self-assembly monolayers
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34. A Novel Generation of Tailored Antimicrobial Drugs Based on Recombinant Multidomain Proteins
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33. Electroactive substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy based on overgrown gold-nanoparticle arrays by electrodeposition on indium tin oxide
González-Pato, N.; Rodriguez, X. R.; Pellizi, N.; Fasolato, C.; Guasch, J.; Postorino, P; Veciana, J.; Goñi, A. R.; Ratera, I. Mater. Adv. 2023, 4, 1378.